Spiritual Alchemy is defined as freeing your spiritual self through integrating the dualities within that make us human. We all have a story that we have lived through. Understanding your stories and finding YOUR purpose and truth can liberate your soul to alchemize a life you've always known possible.
spi-ri-tual | ˈspiriCH(o͞o)əl | adjective
1. relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things 2. lacking material body, form, or substance
al·che·my | ˈalkəmē | noun
1. a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination
Are you searching for an expert to FIX you? Are you struggling with childhood trauma or mental health issues? Are you looking for someone to heal you or fix your problems? If you have answered YES to any of these questions. STOP and search for a therapist, psychiatrist, medical doctor, counselor or healer.
Although a Conscious Coach might help one in recognizing trauma or mental health issues, a Coach is NOT an expert, nor a leader. A Conscious Coach is modeled on equal partners helping another partner to achieve their life goals. Coaches are goal directed and empower their clients to uncover one's own healing potential. As a coach, I too am human and a work in progress. Becoming a SpirtuALCHEMIST is about empowering your own potential to gain the freedom to alchemize YOUR life.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of marriage, parenting, and work? Do you long for a connection with your children? If you find yourself in constant power struggles and are seeking a new approach, Conscious Parenting Coaching might be the solution for you and your family. Let's connect and explore how this coaching can help you navigate the challenges of parenting with more ease.

SpirituALCHEMY Coaching is dedicated to helping you find your path to spiritual fulfillment. We understand how confusing and overwhelming spirituality can be. Our coaching framework is centered on the concept of alchemy, combining elements of introspection, personal growth, and living in the now to create a personalized approach to one's unique journey. A positive spiritual practice can be life-transforming and it would be an honor to work with you on creating your own spiritual alchemy.
30 min
1 hr 30 min
175 US dollarsLearn to tune in and be more present and less "busy". Connect Mind, Body, and Spirit.
1 hr 30 min
175 US dollars

"Material Bodies will all perish....Death is but a change of clothing."
Quote from Gita Wisdom
Joshua M. Greene